🚧 This is a work-in-progress docs for Nextra 2.0, content may be incomplete or inaccurate.
Blog Theme

Get Started


An example of the blog theme can be found here.

Similar to the docs theme, you can install the blog theme with the following commands:


  1. Install Next.js, Nextra and React: yarn add next nextra react react-dom

  2. Install the blog theme: yarn add nextra-theme-blog

  3. Create the following Next.js config and theme config under the root directory:

const withNextra = require('nextra')({
  theme: 'nextra-theme-blog',
  themeConfig: './theme.config.jsx'
  // optional: add `unstable_staticImage: true` to enable Nextra's auto image import
module.exports = withNextra()
export default {
  footer: <p>MIT 2022 © Nextra.</p>,
  head: ({ title, meta }) => (
      {meta.description && (
        <meta name="description" content={meta.description} />
      {meta.tag && <meta name="keywords" content={meta.tag} />}
      {meta.author && <meta name="author" content={meta.author} />}
  readMore: 'Read More →',
  titleSuffix: null,
  postFooter: null,
  cusdis: {
    appId: 'your_app_id',
    host: 'your_host(optional)',
    lang: 'your_lang'
  darkMode: false,
  navs: [
      url: 'https://github.com/shuding/nextra',
      name: 'Nextra'
  1. Create pages/_app.jsx and include the theme stylesheet:
import 'nextra-theme-blog/style.css'
export default function Nextra({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />
  1. You are good to go!


You can also use <style jsx> to style elements inside theme.config.jsx.