🚧 This is a work-in-progress docs for Nextra 2.0, content may be incomplete or inaccurate.


To configure the theme, edit or create the theme.config.jsx file in the root directory and configure it in next.config.js. An example of the configuration is shown below:

export default {
  logo: (
      <b>Nextra</b><span>– The Next Docs Builder</span>
  github: "https://github.com/vercel/swr",
  docsRepositoryBase: "https://github.com/vercel/swr-site/blob/master/pages",
  titleSuffix: ` – SWR`,
  search: true,
  toc: true,
  darkMode: true,
  defaultMenuCollapsed: true,
  nextThemes: {
    defaultTheme: 'system',
    storageKey: 'theme'
  navigation: {
    next: true,
    prev: true
  editLinkText: "Edit this page on GitHub",
  gitTimestamp: "Last updated on",
  feedback: {
    link: "Question? Give us feedback →",
    labels: "feedback",
  serverSideError: {
    labels: 'bug',
    link: 'Submit an issue about this error →'
  sidebar: {
    defaultMenuCollapsed: false,
    subtitle: null
  titleSuffix: ' – Nextra',
  toc: {
    component: TOC,
    extraContent: null,
    float: true,
    title: 'On This Page'
  unstable_faviconGlyph: ''

Detailed information for each configuration option is shown below.


The URL of the project homepage, used by the icon in the navbar. Usually the GitHub repository.

Type: string
Default: https://github.com/shuding/nextra


The icon of the project link button, shown in the navbar.

Type: ReactNode
Default: GitHub icon


import Gitlab from '@geist-ui/react-icons/gitlab'
export default {
  projectLinkIcon: <Gitlab />


The base URL of the GitHub repository the docs are located in. This will be used by the “Edit this Page” link.

Type: string
Default: https://github.com/shuding/nextra


String that will be added to site title as the suffix.

Type: string | (() => string)
Default: – Nextra


Specifies if navigation links (previous page and next page) are being shown at the bottom of a page.

Type: boolean | { prev?: boolean; next?: boolean }
Default: true




Specifies if the user can select a dark mode.

Type: boolean
Default: true


Specifies if folders in the sidebar should be collapsed by default or not.

Type: boolean
Default: false


Specifies if nextra should load its own fonts. Disable this if you want to use a custom font.

Type: boolean
Default: true


Specifies if the footer should be shown.

Type: boolean
Default: true


The text that is shown on the left of the footer.

Type: ReactNode


export default {
  footerText: `MIT ${new Date().getFullYear()} © Nextra.`


The text that should be shown on the link that leads to the editable page on the repository.

Type: boolean
Default: Edit this page

Example: Edit this page on GitHub


The logo in the top left.

Type: ReactNode\


export default {
  logo: (
      <span className="mr-2 font-extrabold hidden md:inline">Nextra</span>
      <span className="text-gray-600 font-normal hidden md:inline">
        The Next Docs Builder


The head that should be inserted into the html document.

Type: ReactNode


export default {
  head: (
      <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffffff" />
      <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <meta httpEquiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
      <meta name="description" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
      <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
      <meta name="twitter:site" content="@shuding_" />
      <meta property="og:title" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
      <meta property="og:description" content="Nextra: the next docs builder" />
      <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Nextra" />


The direction of the text on the page

Type: ltr || rtl


The internationalization (i18n) config. See more here.


Specifies if the table of contents of a page (the headings) should be displayed floating on the right instead of being integrated in the menu on the left.

Type: boolean
Default: false


A glyph that should be used as a favicon.

Type: char

This is an unstable and experimental feature and not recommended for general use.